124 Main Street, Suite 3
Huntington, NY 11743
Conveniently located in Huntington
Village with ample free parking.
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We have been providing exceptional quality therapeutic services in Nassau and Suffolk Counties of Long Island NY since 1999.
What are Sibshops?
SIBSHOPSâ„¢ are best described as opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with special health and developmental needs to obtain peer support within a recreational context.
SIBSHOPSâ„¢ acknowledge that being the brother or sister of a person with special needs is for some a good thing, others a not-so good thing, and for many somewhere in between. They reflect a belief that brothers and sisters have much to offer one another -- if they are given a chance.
The SIBSHOPSâ„¢ model intersperses information and discussion activities with new games (designed to be unique, off-beat, and appealing to a wide ability range). The activities are often a combination of crafts, gross motor fun, silly, zany games, and snack time.
Millennium Children’s Therapy is running a SIBSHOPS™ Event. It will be run by Faith Katzman, a pediatric Speech Pathologist and Sibling, and Elyse Pimsler, a pediatric Occupational therapist.
When: Events will be held once monthly on Saturdays from 9-1 . The cost for the session will be $35, which includes art materials, pizza and snack. Dates to be announced soon!
Who should attend: Siblings of children with special health and developmental needs. Siblings should be between the ages of 7 and 12 but call us for possible exceptions should you have siblings who are interested beyond this age group. Siblings can bring close friends or cousins who have close contact with the family as well.
If you are interested in signing up a child for a SIBSHOPSâ„¢ event, please e-mail fkatzmanslp@yahoo.com or call 631-421-3949.
Who we are:
Faith Katzman is a NYS licensed Speech Language Pathologist and Owner/Director of Millennium Children’s Therapy in Huntington NY. Faith received her Masters from New York University. She specializes in treating children with Motor Speech Disorders and Autism. Faith is also a sibling to Gregg, 32 diagnosed with PDD-NOS. It is her passion to help other siblings navigate through the ups and downs of having a sibling with a disability. Faith is a first generation Sibshop Facilitator, trained by Don Meyer in 2010.
Elyse Pimsler is a NYS Licensed Occupational Therapist specializing in treating the pediatric population. Elyse received her Masters from New York University. Elyse is passionate about treating not only the child in need of help, but the entire family. Elyse works closely with families to make the home environment as optimal as possible. Elyse has been trained in the Sibshop model since 2010.